What is peer to peer tutoring?
Peer to peer tutoring is the programme in which we allow students to take charge of their own study habits. In this programme we let a student who is well-versed in a particular subject to become a tutor to those who are less confident in said subject.
Why peer tutoring ?
Peer tutoring is usually considered less threatening and intimidating. There are many benefits for both the peer tutor and tutee in this relationship, one aspect of this is that the tutor can establish a rapport with the tutee in a way that a teacher cannot. Because the peer tutor is seen by the tutee as being more at their own level, advice given by the tutor may be accepted more readily than advice from a teacher.
How do I sign up to be a tutor?
Your subject teacher will inform you of the dates in which the STARS team will organize registration, briefing and training session. Alternatively you can also visit this blog space as notices will be posted regularly.
What if I am a tutor but do not know certain things the tutee asks?
Not a problem. Remember, as a tutor you are not there to replace the teacher but to supplement the teacher's lessons. If you are unsure you can always get back to the tutee after studying it yourself or asking the teacher.
How much time do I have to complete the sessions?
The deadline for each intake varies. Check the blog or inquire with the faculty committee for the exact dates
What if I have more than one tutee?
Not a problem. As long as you complete the minimum 8 hours for tutoring sessions. However it is advisable not to take on more than two tutees (in total).
How many subjects can I tutor?
It is advisable to only tutor one subject at a time however we have allowed students to tutor up to two subjects but not more than that.
What's in it for me?
Teaching a fellow peer will generate its own rewards in solidifying your knowledge in your subjects. However if that is not satisfactory, a certificate will be issued at the end of the tutoring session.
What if I cannot get along with my tutor?
If for whatever reason you cannot get along with your tutor and wish to discontinue the session, please inform the committee members so we may try to find you another tutor.
I signed up but I do not have a tutor/ tutee. What should I do?
It is not uncommon to have tutors exceeding the number of tutees or vice versa. If you are a tutor without a tutee, let us know and we will inform you if another student requires a tutor. If you are a tutee, we will try our best to find a capable and willing tutor for you. bear in mind that if we are not able to find one for you, you may have to cope on your own. We will keep track of any available tutors and inform you of them.
I have finished my sessions but my tutee is still bugging me...
Unfortunately that is sometimes expected. Despite the fact you have finished sessions , please be considerate towards your tutee's plight. Remember they signed up and have come to depend on your assistance to supplement what they have learnt. Although you are no longer obligated to hold any more sessions, you would be surprised how much you will actually learn by continuing these sessions.
I am a tutee but all the tutors for this session are taken! HELP!!
Let your subject teacher know or come to one of the faculty advisors for this committee. We will attempt to get you a tutor, even if it means getting a tutor from a senior batch.
Sounds good....
BUT there is a downside. Since the senior batch will likely be continuing their studies in A2, they may not be able to accommodate your requests or timing. Therefore, try to be considerate and not pester them too much. They will still be required to put in the required minimum of 8 hours. Also, note that when you are near completion of your AS module, they may have already left the college to pursue a tertiary education so your time with them is limited.
Alternatively you may ask a friend you know who is capable and suggest it to your subject teacher. If your teacher feels that the pairing will work out and your partner agrees to it, the committee will induct the tutor into the STARS committee as a tutor.
I hate my fact i have changed my tutor several times but I hate all of them. What should I do?
First and foremost be aware that the problem could be with YOU! Secondly sometimes life deals you a bad hand...LEARN TO WORK WITH IT!!!